SWAG #10 – So much going on, where do we start?

Once again, where do we start? the South West Amiga Group came back to Doddington Parish Hall in Chipping Sodbury for our tenth meet where within 48hours on our booking page, we were sold out of our tables. But the venue that week had sprung a leak, part of the building was roped off and toilets were outside, but this didn’t put us off from fitting everything in and having a good time.

We wish to thank so many people for all their help in bringing this together, there is a true feeling within the group that we made something special for the community and we are listening to you. Scott from Retrobench , who has been to virtually every meet helped sponsor this event, he had helpers to sell items on his table as well repair Amiga’s all day long. Retrobench not only sponsorred the meet, but ran a raffle where ‘3 Amigas’ were the prizes and the proceed’s of the raffle were reinvested for future meets.

We also had Chris Poacher with a music studio setup, he showcased his music catalog and how he used Octamed to remix dance music and how he was sampling back in the day. He also had an array of studio equipment that was on show.

A sligthly different presentation was from Chris Forrester from then ANT group , he showed how the Amiga was used in Stop-go frame-by-frame capture which was used for Felix the Cat commericals.

We also had demonstrations of Video capture from Andrew Reader, Retro Revival Craig and Arron with the latest games for the Spectrum next and an interesting lightgun project. Error 42 Paul was also at the meet and below is his preparation video.
We had so much going on it was hard get around and see everything, so with the help of our friendly YouTuber’s, Colin and James from Let’s Talk Retro, the other video will be from Neil of Retro Man Cave and currently that video will be shown to Patreon’s first and we will link it here soon.
So, two dates to add to your diary are 25th January 2020 and 30th May 2020, we are now starting to put together what we are going to do and invite anyone with ideas (amiga related) to contact us to share suggestions.
Most importantly thank you to everyone that came and enjoyed the day with us and we look forward to seeing you at the next one.
Retro Man Cave / Neil stalking his prey Let Talk Retro / James and Colin Retro Revival / Craig and Arron with some a little different Brian with two Richards (ANT) Boing Ball on a very special Amiga (or was a Switch demo?) Chris Forrester / Stop Motion graphics with the Amiga Zeb / Working on restoring Amiga’s to former glory More repairs Vectrix demonstration Some Supergrafix going on? Zeb’s BBC Master on show Andrew with his Arcade controls and MAME Sanxion and Pixel Vixen vast array of goodies Brian and Amiga Richard going back to 8-bit Now you don’t see Amstrad 664 very often New toy on the Sega bundle, Operation Wolf light gun RetroShed Barry experimenting with the Spectrum Next Filip brings array including a CD32