SWAG #13 – annoucing tickets

SWAG Meet #13
Saturday,17th September
Tickets on Sale Sunday 31st July

Following the success of our recent annual Workbench event we are pleased to announce that tickets for SWAG meet #13 will go on sale at 8:00pm tomorrow; Sunday 31st July.

Ticket are priced at £10 for adults. Children (under 18s) are free but must be accompanied by a fee paying adult. If you are bringing children please book them in using the booking form. You will not be charged for them, but it’s vital we know numbers for venue capacity limitations and food/drink ordering.

Tickets will be available to purchase from this website

Event Sponsor

The SWAG Meet #13 is sponsored by Retro Games Ltd, creators of the A500 Mini.

The Venue and Parking

The event runs from 10:00am – 10:00pm and is held at Dodington Parish Hall, Chipping Sodbury, Bristol, BS37 6JZ.

Dodington Parish Hall has ample on-site parking. If you arrive early enough you’ll be able to park in the small car park right outside the hall. If that car park is full there are spaces to the right as soon as you come through the main gates. Should that car park also be full you can find further parking behind the hall. If you’re parked behind the hall and need to bring equipment through we can open a side door for you.

We are the only people using the site on the day, so parking should not be an issue.

Entering the Hall

Once you enter the hall please find either Dave Rowland or Rob Hazelby. They will hand you your name badge and will also show you where your table’s located if you’ve ordered a table ticket. If you have any questions on the day please come and speak to either of them.

What Does Your Ticket Price Cover?

Your ticket prices covers your contribution to the hire of the venue, (thank you!) a buffet lunch which is served around noon, plus tea, coffee, soft drinks, crisps and chocolate biscuits.

The drinks and biscuits are in the kitchen. Please help yourselves!

As the event runs until 10:00pm, you may want a bite to eat if you’re staying for the evening leg. Firat’s takeaway is a mere 2 minute walk from the venue and serves pizza, kebab, burgers, chips etc. Any member of the SWAG team can give you directions.

Event Schedule

  • 10:00 – Doors Open / Set-up
  • 21:00 – The Pack-up Begins
  • 22:00 – Doors close – See you all later in 2023

We will also have a games tournament running throughout the day, kindly organised by SWAG’s games guru Gil Ashby. There may even be a prize for the winner. Gil is still deciding on what game will be featuring in the tournament. We’ll let you know once it’s confirmed.

The SWAG Mega Auction

Those of you who attended our Workbench event may recall SWAG’s Dave Rowland briefly mentioning the following…

Several months ago, a very kind gentleman contacted us with details of an absolutely massive bundle of Amiga equipment and accompanying software. This kit was previously used as part of a printing business and hadn’t been used for some time. The owner now wanted to give it away.

The SWAG team visited the chap’s house and we were bowled over by the amount of kit being offered. Being the nice people we are we couldn’t simply take everything without giving something in return, and so it was agreed that whatever monies were made from the sale of the items a quarter would distributed to the owner while the remaining amount would go into SWAG funds to purchase equipment and help run future events.

There is so much hardware and software for us to go through, but the plan is for us to auction the items via the SWAG web site and make it only available to meet attendees.

To make things fair, there are a few rules for these auctions:

1. To be able to take part, you must have attended a SWAG meet in the last 3 years. (We do have records we can check)
2. We ask that you don’t buy to sell on immediately. These are auctions for those who want to put the items to use and/or add to their collections, not to make a quick buck.
3. The auctions will finish just before the next meet. This means that payment can be made prior to the meet but pickup is only possible at the next SWAG meet in late Jan / early Feb 2023 (which you’ll need a ticket for).

Everyone who purchases a ticket to the September meet will receive a separate email from Dave Rowland verifying you have been to a previous SWAG event and that you are allowed to bid on any of the items.

Amiga Repairs

Do you have any Amiga currently giving you problems? If so, Derek and Zeb will be on hand to repair your system.

Note that while repairs are free (unless you require replacement parts), we do run a tip jar scheme where you can tip the dynamic duo as a way of saying thank you for their efforts.

Derek and Zeb get booked-up very quickly at each event. If you have something requiring attention make sure you see them as early in the day as possible to get your repair booked in!

The Buy and Sell Table is Back!

Absent from the Workbench 2022 event due to limited space, the Buy and Sell table is back for our September meet.

If you have anything retro gaming / computer related you want to sell just pick up a form on the day, scribble the price and your contact details down and place it under the item you wish to sell. Should a fellow attendee wish to buy what you’re selling they can find you and you can sort out payment between yourselves.

Previous events have seen games, Amiga cases, boxed complete set-ups and much more for sale. Here’s a chance to bag yourself a bargain and not have to pay for any postage!

Keeping the Venue Tidy

We have to be out of the venue by 10:00pm, so the big clean-up starts around 9:00pm. If you’re able to stay and help put tables away and tidy the hall and kitchen we would really appreciate any and all help.

In the kitchen we’ll have separate sacks set out for general rubbish, cans, card and plastics. Please, please, please do try and sort your rubbish our when you’re disposing of it during the day. The Parish Council will not take our rubbish as they get charged for it. We have to take ALL our rubbish with us. If you can help us by sorting it as you’re disposing it this will be a massive help when we come to do the big clean up at the end.

Thank you!

Safe Journey

We have our biggest Workbench meeting tomorrow and should be something quite amazing, please stay safe and if you cannot travel or have symptoms then please stay away, let me know.  Parking, yes we do have ample parking but we do ask if you’re a spectator (seat) ticket then please consider driving behind the Hall, try and keep the front parking slots available for the Table tickets.  So far, I have had very few pull outs, so there are no Spare tables at the moment.  On entry, come and see me and collect your badge, it will just be a sticker this time and that will help you socialise and help me keep an eye on those sneaking in, please wear it or I will keep asking you who you are.

You will all be entered into the raffle once, some of you have been fantastic and ordered up additional raffle tickets. Please keep doing so, we also have help tomorrow to try and sell some more.   These are the prizes offered by the Museum of Computing in Swindon, Keith has an interesting sense of humour, he has some explaining to do !

Donations to the Raffle from the Museum of Computing

One of the most asked questions I get is, what’s’ the postcode for sat-nav.  We will see you there.

Dodington Parish Hall
Finch Road
Chipping Sodbury
South Gloucestershire
BS37 6JZ

WORKBENCH 2022 – How to buy extra Raffle tickets

Sponsored by Stephen Jones of Checkmate Digital, the Swindon Museum of Computing, Bitmap Soft and Retro Lemon. Prizes include an A1500 Plus Checkmate Amiga case, a fully boxed A500 Cartoon Classics pack and much more!

Funds raised will be split equally between SWAG and the Swindon Museum of Computing.

Your entry ticket

Each entry ticket purchased, (table, seat or BYOT) will include one entry into the raffle, but we need to raise as much as possible to cover the value of the donations at least, so this is your chance to purchase additional tickets before you arrive at Workbench 2022.

At the Previous Workbench

We managed to raise a fab £700 that we split between ourselves and the Museum which was an amazing acheivement with donations from many sources.

Previous Workbench Prize Pool
Keith with his assistants drawng the numbers

How we going to do this?

We are going to be selling the raffle tickets at Workbench 2022 and also on this website, we will then collect all the entries into a bucket and pick them out at Workbench at around 5pm.

How will I get my tickets?

When we receive your payment confirmation, we will write into a raffle book your ticket purchase, you will receive a confirmation email when we have done this to the Paypal registered email account, this email account will be cross checked against your main ticket purchase to verify that you are going. This will not be instant, but this will be done before we go to Workbench.

PayPal Fee’s

As you know Paypal take 2.9% and 30p from every transaction you make unless it is done in a different way, for this we decided to charge the buyer a fee to cover this.

How To Buy

Enter the amount of book strips that you will want to buy priced at £1 a ticket, so one book strip will be charged at £5 + fees.

A Strip of Raffle Tickets

1 Book Strip £5+fee

2 Book Strips £10+fee

3 Book Strips £15+fee

4 Book Strips £20+fee

5 Book Strips £25+fee

6 Book Strips £30+fee

7 Book Strips £35+fee

8 Book Strips £40+fee

9 Book Strips £45+fee

10 Book Strips £50+fee

Raffle Sponsors – Stephen Jones of Checkmate, The Swindon Museum of Computing, Bitmap Soft, Retro Lemon.

Terms and Conditions

Judges Decision will be final (SWAG Commitee)

Only available to those who have purchased an entry ticket.

Anyone who is on a reserved list or a ‘plus one’ will be allowed to buy tickets.

Refunds will only be given if SWAG is cancelled. If you cannot turn up then you will not be refunded.

If you are unable to turn up (e.g. due to illness), then we will hold your winning prize until another meet.

Your order number / details will be marked in the ticket book, you will receive a follow up email of your raffle tickets (manually)

This is open only to attendies of Workbench 2022

Your email address will also be added to our mailing list.

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