Workbench 2020 – Booking Page
Welcome to the Workbench 2020 Booking Page
Tickets cost £7 and cover a sandwich lunch plus tea, coffee soft drinks and nibbles throughout the day.
This meet your £7 also gains you one entry into the main tournament !
How to Book
If you wish to book a table to set up kit you’ll be bringing then please select a table (squares prefixed with either A, B or C) and proceed to the payment option. The tables are quite sizeable so please don’t be greedy and book multiple tables for just yourself.
If you’d like to bring your own table then please select a table (squares prefixed with BYT) and proceed to the payment option. Our space is limited so please don’t book multiple bring your own table slots for just yourself.
Finally, if you’d like to attend but don’t wish to bring any kit then just select a seat (squares prefixed with S) and proceed to the payment option.
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January 25th 2020 – Chipping Sodbury
10:00 – 10:00
sponsored by

Games, Tournaments, Talks, Repairs, Traders, Live Music & More!
Revised Opening Times
Thanks to an early morning booking cancellation at the venue we have been able to extend our booking. We now have the venue booked from 10am – 10pm. Those of you who’ve been to previous SWAG meets will know that the first 30 minutes or so is spent setting up the tables and kit. If you’re not bringing equipment then you’re still welcome to arrive for 10am to help us get set up quicker.
Those of you who’ve been to previous SWAG meets will know that the first 30 minutes or so is spent setting up the tables and kit. If you’re not bringing equipment then you’re still welcome to arrive for 10am to help us get set up quicker.
Our Guest Speakers
Right now we are going to confirm our first guest and that is David J Pleasance who will be talking to us about Friend OS and will be selling his media on his stand. As this is our annual Workbench event we’ve pulled out all the stops to bring you some fantastic guest speakers. We’ll have details of our full line up shortly, but we can reveal the following so far.
First-up is Stephen Jones who will be giving us an update on his Amiga Checkmate Kickstarter campaign. You can expect Stephen to provide a good mix of amusing anecdotes and details of technical challenges experienced in the run up to completing the Kickstarter. Next is Vicky Lamburn aka Pixelvixen. Following her excellent Deluxe Paint live tutorial at a previous SWAG meet, one of the Amiga’s most prominent modern day artists makes a welcome return before she moves to Japan.
Vicky will be showing us what she’s been up to since she last presented and will be on hand to provide tips and tricks to help you improve your Amiga art techniques. Finally, we are pleased to announce that ex-Commodore MD David Pleasance will be our very special guest. David will be giving a talk on the Friend operating system and will also be selling / signing copies of his book. If you wanted to find out more about this groundbreaking cloud OS then you don’t want to miss this! You may even be able to ask him questions relating to his days at the helm of Commodore UK. Right now we are going to confirm our first guest and that is David J Pleasance who will be talking to us about Friend OS and will be selling his media on his stand.
Tickets now on Sale
Tickets to Workbench 2020 are now on sale, priced at £7 per person. Note that children under 18 accompanied by ticket holding adults are free. We just need you to let us know how many you’ll be bringing to help with food / drink ordering.
Your ticket price covers room hire, tea, coffee, soft drinks, snacks and a sandwich lunch. The ticket price also goes towards some of the prizes we’ll be dishing out on the day.
To book a place click on the below link. Once there you’ll see a layout of the room.
If you’re planning to bring hardware to set up and use during the day then please book a table by selecting one. If you’re planning to attend but don’t want to set anything up then please select a chair only.
Important – at standard SWAG meets we don’t mind if attendees bring non Amiga related kit. As this is our annual Workbench event we ask that you ONLY bring Amiga or Amiga related (e.g. emulated Amigas) hardware to this event.