SWAG#9 Booking Page
We welcome you to attend the next SWAG meet at Dodington Village Hall on Saturday 18th May 2019 between 10am till 10pm.
If you are bringing a computer then we ask you to ‘book’ your table below as we are expecting many Amigan’s who will be coming to see Checkmate’s presentation also. If you are bringing a friend / partner who is over 18 years old and you’re booking a table then please book them a seated ticket, also. Children under 18 years of age, accompanied by an adult are free, but please mention in the order note that you will be bringing them along. This will help us gauge numbers.
We are a non-profit group and all our monies that are raised will be put back into the running costs of this event or future events.
UPDATE: 8 May 2019 – After a shuffle and confirmation of extra tables, we have now two more table spaces available to purchase B3 & B5.
UPDATE: 3 May 2019 – Purple *Bring Your Own Tables* option has been added for a few spaces for the same price.
p.s Please note that your browser will require Javascript to book. If you are struggling please Contact us to discuss.
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