WORKBENCH 2022 – How to buy extra Raffle tickets
Sponsored by Stephen Jones of Checkmate Digital, the Swindon Museum of Computing, Bitmap Soft and Retro Lemon. Prizes include an A1500 Plus Checkmate Amiga case, a fully boxed A500 Cartoon Classics pack and much more!
Funds raised will be split equally between SWAG and the Swindon Museum of Computing.
Your entry ticket
Each entry ticket purchased, (table, seat or BYOT) will include one entry into the raffle, but we need to raise as much as possible to cover the value of the donations at least, so this is your chance to purchase additional tickets before you arrive at Workbench 2022.
At the Previous Workbench
We managed to raise a fab £700 that we split between ourselves and the Museum which was an amazing acheivement with donations from many sources.

How we going to do this?
We are going to be selling the raffle tickets at Workbench 2022 and also on this website, we will then collect all the entries into a bucket and pick them out at Workbench at around 5pm.
How will I get my tickets?
When we receive your payment confirmation, we will write into a raffle book your ticket purchase, you will receive a confirmation email when we have done this to the Paypal registered email account, this email account will be cross checked against your main ticket purchase to verify that you are going. This will not be instant, but this will be done before we go to Workbench.
PayPal Fee’s
As you know Paypal take 2.9% and 30p from every transaction you make unless it is done in a different way, for this we decided to charge the buyer a fee to cover this.
How To Buy
Enter the amount of book strips that you will want to buy priced at £1 a ticket, so one book strip will be charged at £5 + fees.

1 Book Strip £5+fee
2 Book Strips £10+fee
3 Book Strips £15+fee
4 Book Strips £20+fee
5 Book Strips £25+fee
6 Book Strips £30+fee
7 Book Strips £35+fee
8 Book Strips £40+fee
9 Book Strips £45+fee
10 Book Strips £50+fee
Raffle Sponsors – Stephen Jones of Checkmate, The Swindon Museum of Computing, Bitmap Soft, Retro Lemon.
Terms and Conditions
Judges Decision will be final (SWAG Commitee)
Only available to those who have purchased an entry ticket.
Anyone who is on a reserved list or a ‘plus one’ will be allowed to buy tickets.
Refunds will only be given if SWAG is cancelled. If you cannot turn up then you will not be refunded.
If you are unable to turn up (e.g. due to illness), then we will hold your winning prize until another meet.
Your order number / details will be marked in the ticket book, you will receive a follow up email of your raffle tickets (manually)
This is open only to attendies of Workbench 2022
Your email address will also be added to our mailing list.