Showing all 6 results
Mug – (Collect at SWAG)
£12.99 Add to basket -
South West Amiga Group (White Logo) Hoodie (Collect At SWAG)
£31.99 Add to basket -
South West Amiga Group (White Logo) Long Sleeve T-Shirt (Collect At SWAG)
£22.99 Add to basket -
South West Amiga Group (White Logo) Sweatshirt (Collect At SWAG)
£29.99 Add to basket -
South West Amiga Group (White Logo) T-Shirt (Collect At SWAG)
£17.99 Add to basket -
SWAG Mouse Mat (Collect at SWAG)
£10.99 Add to basket
Interested definately attending, may consider displaying depending on requirements ?
Hi Austin, So what do you wish to bring along?
Send us further details via and we will get back to you.
Email reply sent !
[…] finding a use for your Raspberry Pi? Check our Raspberry Pi Workshop page here and attend the First SWAG Event, 7th May 2016 for hands-on support in the configuration of an auto-booting UAE4ALL […]
All the best with your meetup. I would love to be there.
Greetings from Sligo Ireland. Have two sisters in Patchway.
Her kids grew up with the Amiga when I went there on holidays in the summer back in the 90s.
Still use an Amiga to this day anybody for Deluxe galaga.
Just found your group and would love to come along to the next one, I’m just down the road from Swindon.
Just fill in your Name and Email address and it will not be shown to public, then I will get back to you for registration by email.
Ice cream….ICE CREAM
I’m terrible at Speedball but this should be fun
Enter me into the Speedball Comp
I can’t see below my interest in tournament that i’ve expressed in previous message, so just to make sure i will qualify i’m sending another one.
We’re in! I have provided two names as we’re coming together, but please, make two separate entries for us!
A bit late now for my advance payment I guess, but I’ll be there! Love the SWAG website redesign too.
Only just seen this post
Amazon Prime says order now for delivery ‘by Saturday’.. guess I’ll take my chances with stock on the day!
I’m crap but hey hoo!
Many of the shirts I am bringing along with me is now SOLD, I have One left a SWAG / White Logo in XL
Thanks for the heads-up Dave – looking forward to it!
Me too. With any luck my opponents will step on their joystick cables and take a couple of minutes to notice like last time. That way I’ll have a chance.
Hi, I was wondering if there was some sort of mailing list I could join or another way of supporting the group? I live in Bristol and would love to become involved with the group in some way (even though I have a manic job and family :o) )
Look forward to hearing from you.
Sorry this and the last message should not be in the comments section but should have been in the contacts section. Sorry
[…] Merchandise […]
Are you saying that no visitor tickets are available?
Sorry, we reached capacity and had this booking system open since Christmas as we require everyone to pre-book before they visit. If you put your details in Newsletters or visit our Facebook group, you will get notifications for future meets, next one is in May.
Thanks Dave.
This would have been my first visit so wasn’t aware that numbers were limited.
I have searched for your facebook page but can’t seem to find it anywhere!
Just wondering, do you have a link to a Discord group? I can’t find it (probably being an idiot…).
nope.. we most active on Facebook
Hi, I’m an Amiga buff from back in the day and have an A3000, A1200 & A500. I’d like to bring the A3000 to the September event but can’t book one of the tables in C or D. Would you be able to fit me in?
Matt, we appologise be we did sell out of tables and seat positions, however people might pull out last minute so I will let you know if they do. Dave/Organiser.
Hello. I’m semi-local and being a big Amiga enthusiast, I would like to have a look around and meet a few people on the day. I don’t have any kit to bring and family commitments probably mean I can’t stay for too long, but can you confirm how I can book a ticket just to attend when I can?
Matt, we appologise be we did sell out of tables and seat positions, however people might pull out last minute so I will let you know if they do. We got an upper limit (Covid restrictions) to how many we can have in the hall, so this is why we are not allowing people to just wonder in, our next meet will be in Jan. Dave/Organiser.
Stunned to find tee’s on Amazon… PURCHASED!
Amiga 1200